Adult Non-Fiction - Upper Level - 791.436K
Odds are if you’ve walked outside or turned on the television lately you’ve seen a festering plague spreading onto the streets. No, I’m not talking about skinny jeans, although those are pretty frightening. Really, I’m serious! Have you seen fourteen year old boys wearing them? It’s just not right! No, this is far worse than some terrible fashion trend that people blindly follow shuffling around like some sort of…um…what’s the word?
ZOMBIE! That’s right, Zombies! Sure, vampires are certainly the undead rock stars at the moment, but their brain eating counterparts are having somewhat of a renaissance themselves.
There are a plethora of zombie graphic novels like “The Walking Dead,” and “Marvel Zombies.” (Peter Parker feasting on Mary-Jane’s brains anyone?) There are a ton of zombie videogames such as “Resident Evil” (Yeah, yeah, so the last two games didn’t technically have zombies but close enough) “Call of Duty: World at War,” (who doesn’t love shooting Nazi zombies?), and the “Left 4 Dead” series. Then there are zombie books like “World War Z,” and the timeless “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.” I’m sure Jane Austen would be thrashing and moaning in her grave if she knew about it.
Of course one would be remiss to forget the zombie’s greatest benefactor, the ubiquitous zombie movie. From the 1932 Bela Lugosi film “White Zombie” to George Romero’s classic “Night of the Living Dead,” all the way up to 2004’s comedy “Shaun of the Dead” the amount of zombie related cinema can be daunting. If only someone would create some sort of zombie movie guide there might just be a way to sift through all these films and find the real gems. (It might also give this long rambling entry a point as well.) Well look no further because “Zombie Movies: The Ultimate Guide” is here! This guide contains loads of photos, detailed summaries of nearly every zombie film you can think of, and interviews with horror greats like make-up mastermind Tom Savini. So whether you’re looking for “Kung Fu Zombies,” a little zombie romance with “My Boyfriend’s Back,” or just a good old fashioned existential zombie crisis such as “The Cemetery Man” AKA “Dellamorte Dellamore,” “Zombie Movies” is sure to make any fan groan with delight.
The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman
Adult Graphic Novels - Main Level - WAL
Cemetery Man by Michele Soavi
DVD Collection - Main Level - SCI/FI HORROR CEM
Shaun of the Dead by Edgar Wright
DVD Collection - Main Level - SCI/FI HORROR SHA
Night of the Living Dead by George Romero
DVD Collection - Main Level - SCI/FI HORROR NIG
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith
Adult Science Fiction - Main Level - Austen
World War Z by Max Brooks
Adult Science Fiction - Main Level - Brooks
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