Crab Cab by Yukiko Kido
Youth New Book Shelves – Lower Level - FLI
Discerning parents and children might notice that the better you can read, the more books there are at your level. It’s not that librarians don’t look, but there are just not as many books published for very beginning readers. Those that out there, alas, are often boring, at least to my beginning reader. This book, part of the Flip-a-Word series, tries and I think succeeds in filling in that gap. Each book focuses on about three “sound families”, or words that use similar sounds. In this book, it was groups of short rhyming words, ending with “ot” and “ab”. Each section begins with a few words, one to a page – “hot”, “snot”, “pot”, “tot”. The pages are die-cut to make it more obvious that most of the word stays the same from page to page, and Kido makes us of die cuts in the illustrations, too, for a bit of extra fun. Then the words are combined to make silly, mostly two-word phrases – “snot pot” and “crab cab”. The illustrations are appealing bright, rounded cartoon-style illustrations. Easy words for new readers, no plot to keep up with, still fun.
Other books in this series include:
Pig Wig
Wet Pet
Quack Shack
Snow Bow
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