The House of Silk: A Sherlock Holmes Novel
by Anthony Horowitz Main Level New Book - Horowitz
Never underestimate the power of pure blind luck. Anthony Horowitz himself could not have dreamed of the unexpected topicality of this book while writing it. Without giving the plot away, the events of the last two weeks have given sudden relevance to a book of fiction set in 1890. Arthur Conan Doyle could never have gotten this Holmes story published then, which leads to the device that Watson wrote it decades after the event, and then kept the story under lock and key for another century. Only now can the story be told...
Horowitz does a very good job of evoking the familiar milieu of 221B Baker Street and includes cameos from several characters from the Conan Doyle canon. He understands the dynamic of the Holmes/Watson relationship and treats Watson with respect. Serious Sherlockians will find some nits to pick, but for more casual readers this is a delightful historical read that also happens to correlate with current events through pure blind luck.
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