Tuesday, July 3, 2012

After Dark by Haruki Murakami

After Dark by Haruki Murakami

“after dark” is set in Tokyo and takes place during the night, after the trains have stopped running. The story follows Mari, a nineteen year old woman who is seeking a reprieve from her home, though it’s not clear why until the end of the novel. While reading studiously at a Denny’s, Mari is recognized by Takahashi, who once went on a double date with Mari and her sister, Eri. Mari describes her sister as very beautiful and herself as very plain and ugly. Through Takahashi, Mari meets a retired female wrestler who works at a Love Hotel. She helps save a young Chinese prostitute who has been beaten and left with nothing at this Love Hotel after speaking with Takahashi. The novel investigates the man who beats the prositute as well as the pursuit of the man by the gang responsible for her. The novel also follows the mysterious sleep of Eri, Mari’s sister, who has been asleep for two months. There is a ghostly quality to the sleep and the story becomes more dream than reality following her into a world in which she is trapped and running for her life.

Murakami writes this story as if writing a script for a film. The imagery and description will keep you reading and invested in this ethereal narrative. "after dark" is wrapped in mystery about the night, about the people who live and play at night, and about what it means to be searching for who you are. A perfect summer read!

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