Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Afghan Star

Afghan Star
Dvd Collection-Main Level - DOCUMENT AFG

American Idol is one of the most successful shows in the history of American Television. While there have been many international adaptations (American Idol itself being an adaptation of the British Pop Idol) no adaptation has raised as much controversy in its own country as Afghan Star. In a country with a recent history of cultural repression under the Taliban, coupled with an even more recent new government after the US led invasion, some people are rallying around this new television sensation where many Afghans are voting for the first time.

Afghan Star follows one season of the show of the same name, broadcast on Tolo TV. The four front runner contestants represent four different ethnic groups within Afghanistan. The competition gives different ethnic groups someone to rally behind, but the competition also brings the country together.

The filmmaker interviews the producer of the show and you get such an interesting perspective. He lauds Kabul as being "cosmopolitan" and as you learn throughout the movie, for Afghanistan, it is. Some of the hometowns of a few of the contestants start to get angry about the content though, especially when one of the female contestants dances (modestly, but still dances) while singing one of her songs.

For anyone interested in contemporary Afghan culture, especially how it blends old world tradition with influences from global pop culture, this film is for you!

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