Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Shadows: Books of Elsewhere Volume 1

The Shadows by Jacqueline West
Youth New Book Shelves -Lower Level – WEST

After Ms. McMartin passed away Olive Dunwoody and her parents moved into the fully furnished Victorian house. Olive is an only child so she passes her summer days away by exploring the old house and all of it's furnishings. Olive notices something weird, none of the pictures can be removed from the walls and what is even more weird some of the pictures seem to move! Since Olive was very keen on exploring she was always finding great trinkets. The best thing she found was a pair of spectacles. She discovered that while wearing the spectacles she can acutally go into the paintings. She then meets a most unusual creature, a talking cat! Horatio, the cat, warns Olive not to lose the glasses or spend too much time in a painting or she could be stuck there. While in the paintings she meets a boy named Morton. Olive promises Morton that she will help him be free. Olive is determined to learn more about the house, the paintings, the talking cats but she is not sure who to trust. Join Olive in her adventures into Elsewhere.

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